

Type safe and Zero-cost React library to work with higher-order components (HOCs)

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Getting Started

Read the docs

Install with npm

npm install react-with-hoc

Or install with yarn

yarn add react-with-hoc

Usage example

Hello World

import { withDefault, withOverride, withHocs } from "react-with-hoc";

export const Hello = (() => {
function Hello({ name }: { name: string }) {
return <div>Hello {name}!</div>;

return withHocs([withDefault({ name: "World" })])(Hello);

// <Hello /> is equivalent to <div>Hello World!</div>
// <Hello name="You" /> is equivalent to <div>Hello You!</div>

export const HelloYou = withOverride("name", "You")(Hello);

// <HelloYou /> is equivalent to <div>Hello You!</div>
// <HelloYou name="..." /> is typescript error ❌

Example with react-query

Lets suppose you have the following code and then you need a query inside your App component

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

function App() {
// Oops... ❌
// This is an error because App is not wrapped by QueryClientProvider
const query = useQuery({...});

return (
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>

export default App;

Using react-with-hoc, you can easily fix this with:

import {withWrapper, withOverride} from "react-with-hoc";

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

function App() {
// ✅
const query = useQuery({...});

return (

export default withWrapper(
withOverride({ client: queryClient })(QueryClientProvider)

// for didactic purpose, the following code could also be applied
// const MyQueryClientProvider = withOverride({ client: queryClient })(QueryClientProvider)
// export default withWrapper(MyQueryClientProvider)(App);

Using IIFE

import { withWrapper, withOverride, withHocs } from "react-with-hoc";

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

const App = (() => {
function App() {
// ✅
const query = useQuery({...});

return <>...</>;

return withHocs([
withWrapper(withOverride({ client: queryClient })(QueryClientProvider)),

export default App;


Check out an entire project with react-with-hoc, see the demo and try to imagine creating a reusable component with the same flexibility

Take a look on how simple it's the final result

const RedHour = withOverride("color", "red")(HourPointer);

const Square = withStyle({
borderRadius: 0,

function App(): JSX.Element {
return (
<h1>The default clock</h1>
<Clock />
<h1>#1 Variant: without minute marks</h1>
<Clock MinuteMarks={null} />
<h1>#2 With a red hour pointer</h1>
<Clock HourPointer={(): typeof RedHour => RedHour} />
<h1>#3 Inside a square</h1>
<Clock Circle={(): typeof Square => Square} />

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